What Heritage Means To Me

By Jessica Arora,XI-I

Heritage, in a diverse country like ours, has a different meaning for each individual. I remember, in class 6, one of the first topics we learnt in Social Science was about the unique cultures in different parts of India. Each of these cultures together make up the rich legacy left to us by our forefathers. And, though we are all so different, together we all constitute one nation. This topic we studied was called 'Unity in Diversity.' It taught us about how even though we are all so different, how we have different ways of living, different clothes, food, languages etc. we are all still Indians. The exploration of all of these rich cultures is heritage to me.

Heritage to me is how my friends and I have different religious backgrounds, and how we all discuss entertaining tidbits about our unique festivities. How we share delicious South Indian food in the school canteen. Heritage is how we worriedly discuss about the possibility that the Taj Mahal could collapse in the next five years because of it's rotting wooden foundations unless urgent action is taken.

Heritage is all around us, in art forms, in beautiful Madhubani paintings, in kathakali dances, in marga (a type of Indian classical music) and so much more.

Today's generation is more concerned with the advancements in science and technology. Monuments, cave paintings and many other parts of our heritage are deteriorating rapidly, and we need to preserve them. We have an incredible legacy to pass on to future generations and along with development, we also need to concentrate on keeping our heritage intact.


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