Our Natural Heritage by Ishita Choubey

In our busy life , we often don't notice the simplest and smallest things are the most beautiful . The raindrops hit the ground every rain, and we are so busy enjoying the rain fall, that we miss the small mesmerising events . This picture teaches me that it's not about the whole scene but about how small things make up the big picture . It tells me to enjoy every moment bit my bit . You never know what you are missing until it's to late.

The sunset in its self is yet another beautiful phenomenon of God . As the sun sets , the solders  at war rest and give ode to them whom they lost , and get hope from the beauty to fight yet another terrorizing day.

The white colour that we see everywhere in the picture gives us inner peace and calmness . The White also signifies justice and peace.

The butterfly signifies our hope and the big wooden log is our problems . Even though the log is a massive chunk agains the small  butterfly , with its beauty and kindness , the butterfly manages to stand out . Signifying that how ever big our problems our, if we face them with a bright smile , we can overcome it.
- Ishita Choubey


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