Taj Mahal

As much as each of you have heard, the need of the preservation of this monument is as prevalent in these times, as is your need to brush. It may seem a bit too extreme. But in order to know our present we must understand our past. We all know that colours are beautiful and absolutely necessary. But not on the Taj Mahal. For it is beautiful despite its lack of color. And it is important for it to remain so. Not only does it showcase a crucial part of history, but it also gives India recognition in the world. Millions of tourist visit the Taj Mahal every year, in an attempt to understand the heritage of India. And if they see garbage, tobacco stains and unkempt surroundings, that's exactly what they'll perceive India comprises of, which is highly undesirable. Therefore, it is important that all of us, take care of Taj Mahal.
Image source: DeviantArt (by Sarita37 )


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